NEWS:  February 6, 2019  -  Dr. Maryam Irani joins Koros Research Group as Postdoctoral Fellow. Welcome!
NEWS:  December 10, 2018  -  Dr. Zhongyun Liu joins Koros Research Group as Postdoctoral Fellow. Welcome!
NEWS:  March 01, 2017  -  Dr. Yang Liu joins Koros Research Group as Postdoctoral Fellow. Welcome!
NEWS:  February 15, 2016  -  Dr. Oishi Sanyal joins Koros Research Group as Postdoctoral Fellow. Welcome!
NEWS:  January 04, 2016  -  Dr. Madhura Joglekar joins Koros Research Group as Postdoctoral Fellow. Welcome!
NEWS:  February 27, 2015  -  Steven Burgess, our fifth year PhD student has won the Celanese "Chemistry Inside Innovation" Award. Congratulations to him!
NEWS:  February 27, 2015  -  Graham Wenz, our third year PhD student has received the 2014 Eastman Chemical Company Summer Graduate Fellowship. Congratulations!
NEWS:  January 2, 2014  -  Dr. Nanwen Li joins Koros Research Group as Postdoctoral Fellow. Welcome!
NEWS:  December 18, 2013  -  Congratulations to Dr. Nitesh Bhuwania for his successful PhD defense! Dr. Bhuwania will be joining Chevron Energy Technology Company (Richmond, CA) this month.
NEWS:  December 14, 2013  -  Dr. Arun Itta joins Koros Research Group as Postdoctoral Fellow. Welcome!
NEWS:  November 13, 2013  -  Congratulations to Dr. Brian Kraftschik for his successful PhD defense! Dr. Kraftschik will be joining Praxair (Tonawanda, NY) in December.
NEWS:  August27, 2013  -  Congratulations to Dr. Carine S. K. Achdundong for her successful PhD defense! Dr. Carine S. K. Achdundong will be joining BASF (Geismar LA) in September.
NEWS:  July 24, 2013  -  Congratulations to Shweta Karwa, the 2nd year graduate student in Koros group, for winning the first prize of the SERES Poster Competition.
NEWS:  June 27, 2013  -  Congratulations to Fateme Rezaei for winning "International Adsorption Society (IAS)" Award for Excellence in PhD Dissertation, May 2013, USA.
NEWS:  June 27, 2013  -  Congratulations to Fateme Rezaei for winning second place for best poster award at 11th International Conference on the Fundamental of Adsorption (FOA11) among 270 posters, May 2013, Baltimore, USA.
NEWS:  April 5, 2013  -  Congratulations to Steven for winning the 2012 Ziegler Best Proposal Award!
NEWS:  April 5, 2013  -  Dr. Hiroshi Eguchi joins Koros Research Group as Visiting Scientist. Welcome!
NEWS:  March 31, 2013  -  Congratulations to Stephanie for her winning the Third Place of the best Poster Presentation at the 25th ChBE Graduate Research Symposium!
NEWS:  March 27, 2013  -  Congratulations to Danny Kim for his successful MS defense!
NEWS:  Feburary 27, 2013  -  Dr. Zhiming Mao joins Koros Research Group as Postdoctoral Fellow. Welcome!
NEWS:  Feburary 21, 2013  -  Congratulations to Dr. Justin Vaughn for his successful PhD defense! Dr. Vaughn will be joining Koros Research Group as Postdoctoral Fellow this month.
NEWS:  October 16, 2012  -  Congratulations to Dr. Canghai Ma for his successful PhD defense! Dr. Ma will be joining Air Liquide (Newark, DE) this month.
NEWS:  October 8, 2012  -  Congratulations to Dr. Meha Rungta for her successful PhD defense! Dr. Rungta will be joining ExxonMobil Chemical Company (Baytown, TX) this fall.
NEWS:  October 5, 2012  -  The Koros Research Group would like to welcome Graham Wenz and Yu-Han Chu as the newest PhD students in the "family".
EVENT:  October 28 - November 2, 2012  -  2012 AIChE Annual Meeting in Pittsburgh. Come check out Koros Group member presentations by Nitesh Bhuwania, Steven Burgess, Michelle Dose, Brian Kraftschik, Dr. Jong Lee, Dr. Ryan Lively, Xue Ning and Chen Zhang. Schedules are linked to each presenter's name.
NEWS:  September 17, 2012  -  Congratulations to Dr. Liren Xu for his successful PhD defense! Dr. Xu will be joining Dow Chemical Company (Freeport, TX) in October 2012.