Current Research Projects
The following list indicates the main areas of interest to our group. Most of our work relates to advanced membranes, but we also have interest in the area of sorbents and barriers
Carbon molecular sieve membranes for natural gas and diverse chemical separations
PIMs, crosslinked polyimides and cellulose acetates for natural gas purification
MOF/polymer composite membranes for natural gas and chemical separations
Mixed matrix fiber sorbents for diverse separations not suited to membranes
Fundamentals of carbon molecular sieve formation processes
Fundamentals of advanced barrier materials
For insight into the details of our group's current activities, please see the recent publication link (2010-Present) and issued US patents
As a group, we enjoy not only studying complex questions, but also answering them and solving problems. Our core strengths relate to advanced materials and morphology control of devices for the types of applications noted above. Many of our most rewarding collaborations with sponsors and academic colleagues begin with a challenge from someone asking us:"If you think you are so smart, can you solve this problem?"
If you are interested in interacting with our group send me an e-mail: